Monday, September 13, 2010

Do I have ADD?

So hear I am, 9:09pm on a Monday night procrastinating and off task - the story of my life.  But somehow I manage to have a successful life.  I did well in college, I'm climbing the corporate ladder at work, I have a great family...  So, maybe my procrastination and lack of focus is not a problem; or have I just learned to compensate for my problem?

I'm starting this blog as a way to keep me on task for my last minute weight loss attempt before my vacation in 11 days.  My goal is to loose 20 pounds in 11 days!!!  Ok, this leads me to another problem of mine.  Setting unrealistic goals.  Oh well, here I go...

Today, I weighed 232 pounds and ate terribly.  I'm guessing I will weigh in at 233+ tomorrow.

My plan is to go no carbs, low cal (1500 cals per day) and exercise 1+ hour of cardio a day.  I will journal my experience here.